Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog Post: In search of silence

I once had the good fortune to spend a day interviewing Gordon Hempton, a ‘sound tracker’ who is on a mission to find the quietest places on earth. It’s surprisingly hard to do: think of all the car traffic, airplane traffic and other manmade noises society produces. I remember walking with him along Rialto Beach on the wild Washington coast listening to the pounding of surf on rocks, while Hempton looked for optimum microphone placement to find a spot, just one spot, free of human interference.

In my travels, I’m always pleasantly surprised to find a silent corner of the world. When I find them, I savor them: sunrise on a remote caye in Belize, the bottom of the Grand Canyon, a high altitude camping sight. But really, should we have to go to extreme measures to find some peace and quiet? Sometimes, yes, but sometimes they are just a short walk up a forest path, or behind the walls of a museum in a big city. We sought out some of the quietest spots around the world – including many here in the U.S. – and share them with you in the new Bing Travel slideshow, In Search of Silence. (By the way, Gordon Hempton did find the quietest place in the United States, and we included it in the slideshow.)

Where are your favorite places to find peace and quiet? Tell us by leaving a comment below.


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