Editor's note: the following is a guest post by Robert Scoble, who studies tech startups and innovators for Rackspace Hosting. His videos usually go up on Rackspace's Building43. In the post he shares a tour he recently got of SRI International, the Silicon Valley R&D lab where the computer mouse was invented. It also has played a role in many other things, from Disneyland to Polaris Missiles and armor for tanks, not to mention it was one of the first four nodes on the Internet. You might be like my friends, who thought that the computer mouse was invented at PARC, Xerox's R&D lab. It wasn't. Instead the computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart at SRI International and, in
the mother of all demos, showed it, and a number of other key features of computing that we all know like windows and hypertext, off in December, 1968. I wondered "what is SRI International" up to now and do they have anything interesting cooking that could turn into another interesting startup? That led to this tour, where Norman Winarsky, VP of Ventures at SRI, and Bill Mark, VP of Information Sciences Division at SRI, introduce me to many of the people who work there and show me around many of its most interesting labs. Because this tour was so extensive, I've split it up into separate videos so you can watch what you're interested in and get a sense of just how many diverse projects this influential R&D lab is.

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