Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blog Post: Lync Server 2010 RC has expired ? Front-end service can?t be started, deactivation, re-installation

I was playing around with my OCS/Lync Server2010 lab environment, when I wanted to start the front-end service, I can't start it. And checked the system event log that there's following error message:


I was thinking oh gosh, did I need to rebuild the lab environments that I've setup? Because I've been running this lab environment for a while and it's quite difficult to rebuild everything from the beginning because of the expiry of the evaluation version.

So the next questions, is it possible to re-install the Lync Server 2010 installations/binary without having to go through all the deactivation - installation from the beginning.

So, I tried to download the licensed version, and then install them into the Lync Server 2010.

I tried to run the installation from the RTM, but when I got following error


Because I'm running on VM and I'd like to re-use the existing VM, so that I don't need to have another VM, I was thinking to deactivate, uninstall the evaluation binary, re-install the binary with the RTM one and re-activate the machine. And also I've designed the OCS topology for my testing environment, which I don't want to repeat doing the whole design anymore.

Fortunately, we've Lync Server 2010 Topology Builder and Central Management Store which keeps the topology consistent even if we need to uninstall then re-install the Lync Server 2010 binary


I'd like to uninstall the expired evaluation Lync server binary from with RTM one.

The steps for these are following:

  • 1. Deactivate and remove Lync Server 2010 component from Control Panel
  • 2. Remove necessary components installed by previous installation, to make sure that we're doing the correct component installation
  • 3. Re-install with the new Lync Server 2010 binary installation
  • 4. Verify the existing configuration from Lync Server 2010 Control Panel or Topology Builder

Based on the above steps, we're not going to lose our topology configuration as Central Management Store and Topology builder will refer to the existing topology

Here's the detail steps done

  • 1. Deactivate and remove each of Lync Server 2010 components from add/remove program control panel.


 On clicking yes, the remove component wizard will offer us to deactivate the server before removing the binary, which is smart and helpful decision. Because it simplify uninstallation process and make sure the configuration is in-sync.


  • 2. Remove necessary components installed by previous installation such UCMA components, to make sure that we're doing the correct component installation


  • 3. Re-install with the new Lync Server 2010 binary installation


Install the Local Replica of Configuration Management Store


Next is to setup or Remove Lync Server 2010 Components


This Step 2 will read the configuration from local configuration store related to role that the server is assigned to


Next step is to Request, Install or Assign Certificate


It will launch new certificate wizard


It allow us to request new certificate to the CA or Assign existing certificate to the component listed above, which are: Server default, Web services internal, Web services external.

Some of the enhancement on this certificate wizard are:

  • It accepts custom certificate template
  • It prompts Subject Alternative Name (SAN) property
  • It display the certificate error processing in more detail than the OCS version.

Requesting Certificate by Clicking the Request button







 It's now specifically asking additional Subject Alternate Names for multiple SIP domains scenario or if you'd like to add additional names to the certificate.


Certificate Request Summary

 Here's the actual PowerShell cmdlet that request the certificate

Request-CSCertificate -New -Type Default,WebServicesInternal,WebServicesExternal -CA "\NWT-DC" -Country NZ -State "Auckland" -City "Auckland City" -FriendlyName "CSFE01_PoolCert" -KeySize 2048 -PrivateKeyExportable $False -Organization "NWTraders" -OU "NWtraders_IT" -DomainName "" -Verbose -Report "C:\Users\administrator.NWTRADERS\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Request-CSCertificate-[2011_03_04][22_38_55].html"


 Once the creation finished, it will continue with certificate assignment



Here's the actual Poweshell cmdlet used to set the certificate to the server

Set-CSCertificate -Type Default,WebServicesInternal,WebServicesExternal -Thumbprint 7E746552580AAAF2BBE736D4BB0DE01F752E1704 -Verbose -Confirm:$false -Report "C:\Users\administrator.NWTRADERS\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Set-CSCertificate-[2011_03_04][22_41_49].html"

 The next step is starting the service



Start-CSWindowsService -NoWait -Verbose -Report "C:\Users\administrator.NWTRADERS\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Start-CSWindowsService-[2011_03_04][22_43_13].html"

 The service status (optional) will display the services MMC




  • 4. Verify the existing configuration from Lync Server 2010 Control Panel



Registrar and UserServer service is now in started condition.


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