Friday, March 18, 2011

Blog Post: Learn How to Save Locations and Businesses to Bing Favorites On Your Android Smartphone

The latest release for Android smartphones has some great new features. We frequently get asked by users how to make the most of the Bing app on their phone. Through this series of blog posts we will provide answers to the frequent questions we get about various features in the app, and how to use them. In this post we will cover how to save a location or business to favorites.

How to Save a Location

  1. On Bing home screen, search for any address. Try “One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA”
  2. Click on the ‘Related location’ returned
  3. On location screen, click ‘Save as a favorite’

You will see a blue star before the location name indicating it has been added to your favorites.

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To save a favorite location from maps, follow these steps:

  1. On map screen, search for any address. Try “One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA”
  2. Click the callout window displayed above the pushpin
  3. On location screen, click ‘Save as a favorite’

How to Save a Business

You can do a local search on the Bing home screen or click Local on the 2x3 item grid, and then execute a search from within the local experience.

  1. On Bing home screen, search for any local business say “Wild Ginger in Bellevue, WA”
  2. Click on the local result
  3. On business screen, click ‘Save as a favorite’

You will see a blue star before the business name indicating that this business has been added to your favorites.

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To save a favorite business from maps, follow these steps:

  1. On map screen, search for any local business say “Wild Ginger in Bellevue, WA”
  2. Click the callout window displayed above the pushpin
  3. On business screen, click ‘Save as a favorite’

Accessing Your Saved Favorites

Once you have locations or businesses added to your favorite list, you can view them on the favorites’ screen.

  1. Press Menu key, select Favorites
  2. Here you can take various actions on the list items
  • Location: click to map the location and long click to see other options
  • Business: click to view the business details and long click to see other options

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– Bing for Android Team


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