Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fast, easy tricks to avoid spending too much while shopping:

CNN has an excellent piece that distills research from behavioral economics and cognitive biases to help us avoid overspending. My takeaways are:

Buying a lot in one store can decrease your sensitivity to the pain of cost, says Loewenstein. "You hit the what-the-heck effect: You've spent $200; what's another $20 for a T-shirt?" He recommends going to various stores for different purchases.

We overreact to discounts:

"Even psychologists confess that they've been seduced." The anticipation of getting a good deal, says Shell, is what drives us toward the cash register, not the object itself -- and as a result, we end up with stuff we don't particularly want.

Use cash, not credit cards:

"When you pay in cash, you see your wallet getting thinner," says Dan Ariely, Ph.D., professor of behavioral economics at Duke University. But when you use a credit card, the spending is abstract, "and that makes you trigger-happy."

...Using cash is the number one antidote to overspending, according to experts. 

Your mood can affect how much you're willing to pay for things:

...participants view either a sad video (a clip from "The Champ," in which a boy cries at the side of his dying father) or an emotionally neutral one (about the Great Barrier Reef).

Afterward, she asked how much they'd be willing to spend on a sporty water bottle. Those who watched the poignant film offered almost 300 percent more.

Anything that taps willpower can affect your spending:

"Our ability to fight temptation weakens, almost as if we get tired," says Duke's Dan Ariely. After engaging in activities that require willpower, you won't have as much energy left for other challenges, explains Kathleen D. Vohs, Ph.D., assistant professor of marketing at the University of Minnesota. So if you're using every ounce of discipline at the food court because you're on a diet, or you're trying to quit smoking, you'll be less able to pass up a pair of pumps in a display window.

One of the researchers cited, Dan Ariely, has written two wonderful books about similar quirks of human behavior:  Predictably Irrational and The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic. I highly recommend them both.


You should follow me on Facebook here or on Twitter. You'll find content there I don't post anywhere else. You can also subscribe via email or RSS

I've also posted on how to split a dinner bill with friends so as to optimize long term happiness as well as how your mind play tricks on you when it comes to food. Check out the blog's most popular posts of all time.


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Blog Post: Erro 0x80070002 ao acessar compartilhamentos remotos.

By: [Marcelo Chang] / Technical Reviewer: [Daniel Mauser]

O cen�rio descrito � um servidor Windows 2008 Enterprise SP2, que ao tentar mapear uma unidade de rede pelo Windows Explorer apresenta a seguinte mensagem de erro:

"Error Code: 0x80070002 The system cannot find the file specified."


Ao tentar mapear pelo command prompt a seguinte mensagem � mostrada:

C:\>net use * \\servidor\share

The Workstation service has not been started.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2138.

Verifica��es b�sicas

As primeiras a��es neste caso, foi verificar os eventos relevantes atrav�s do Event Viewer, mas nada que indicasse a origem do problema. Validar e instalar atualiza��es para SMB, TCPIP, Redirector. Foi verificado tamb�m que o "Client for Microsoft Networks? estava realmente instalado e ?ligado? na placa de rede. Ao ser capturado o tr�fego de rede atrav�s do Network Monitor foi verificado que n�o havia tr�fego gerado para o destino. Por isso, o foco do caso foi tentar resolver o erro ?The Workstation service has not been started?.

O que � o Servi�o ?Workstation??

Para ambos os pedidos de arquivos locais e arquivos remotos ou pedidos de impress�o estes ser�o encaminhados atrav�s do servi�o ?Workstation?. Este servi�o determina onde o recurso est� localizado e em seguida, encaminha o pedido para o sistema de arquivos local ou para os componentes de rede. Quando o servi�o ?Workstation? � interrompido, todos os pedidos ser�o assumidos como solicita��es locais.

A partir da� foram feitas valida��es nas configura��es do Workstation atrav�s da chave do registro.


1. Abra o Regedit e v� at� o caminho: ?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControISet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order"

2. O "ProviderOrder" contem neste servidor somente o valor "hgfs"


3. Valido em outro Servidor Windows Server 2008 a mesma Chave. O valor entrado � diferente.


4. A chave "ProvideOrder" cont�m: "vmhgfs,hgfs,RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation"

5. Copiado o valor do deste servidor para o servidor que est� apresentando problemas.

6. N�o h� a necessidade de reiniciar o servidor.

7. Feito os testes usando o net use e o Windows Explorer.

C:\>net use * \\servidor\share

Drive Y: is now connected to \\servidor\share.

8. Testado com UNC \\servername2\data$

Mais informa��es e artigos relacionados

Error Message "The Workstation Service Has Not Been Started" When Using Cmdlines.txt



Monday, July 18, 2011

Clever Sense Launches Alfred: Personalized Local Recommendations With A Single Tap

Back in June I wrote about Clever Sense, a startup that's looking to take a different approach to restaurant and other local recommendations. Led by CEO Babak Pahlavan, the service has a strong emphasis on algorithms that are used to customize its�suggestions for each user�(the company is led by Stanford PH.D. grads, and is advised by Professor Jeff Ullman, who was the Ph.D. advisor for Sergey Brin way back when). Their application, called Seymour, was supposed to launch tomorrow morning in conjunction with Fortune's Brainstorm conference, but it hit a somewhat fortuitous snag: CleverSense decided to release it early on the App Store under a different name (Alfred) as a sort of trial run. And then the app managed to acquire 20,000 users in the last two weeks ? so Clever Sense decided to ditch Seymour and stick the the app they've already released.�You can grab it on the App Store right here.


Skype 5.3 for Windows released, improves mobile video call quality

Version 5.3 of Skype for Windows has just been released, with the main emphasis of the new release being improved call quality, and the quality of video received by mobile Skype users. Presumably one party of the video call must be using Skype for Windows 5.3, though.

Beyond improved call quality, not much has changed. You can now see your friends' presence icons when contact cards are collapsed, and the topic editing button is now always visible on the conversation header. For a complete list of changes, hit up the Skype Garage blog.

Download Skype 5.3 for Windows

Skype 5.3 for Windows released, improves mobile video call quality originally appeared on Download Squad on Thu, 07 Apr 2011 12:17:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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New software uses facial recognition to defend against prying eyes

Having the right programs and hardware to keep the information on your display safe from prying eyes is never a bad idea, and new software from Oculis Labs offers a very interesting take on how to do just that. It's called PrivateEye, and it utilizes facial recognition to automatically pixelate the contents of your display when you look away.

If you step away from your system and someone else decides to sit down and poke around, PrivateEye will present a confusing jumble of garbled text. It'll even notify you if someone tries to peek over your shoulder -- and display a picture of your peeping Tom, throw up an alert, or sound an alarm.

Check out the video embed after the break, and share your thoughts in the comments!

Continue reading New software uses facial recognition to defend against prying eyes

New software uses facial recognition to defend against prying eyes originally appeared on Download Squad on Thu, 07 Apr 2011 13:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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iPhone games over-indexing for monthly usage says Nielsen

Apple-owning mobile gamers spend 14.7 hours a month playing, but it's a different story for BlackBerry

The average iPhone gamer spends nearly twice as much time playing every month as the industry average for smartphone gamers, according to new research published by Nielsen in the US. Its latest survey finds that iPhone gamers play for an average for 14.7 hours a month, ahead of Android gamers' 9.3 hours a month.

Both are above the industry average of 7.8 hours, since other devices under-index considerably. Windows Phone gamers spend 4.7 hours a month playing according to Nielsen, while feature phone and BlackBerry owners spend 4.5 hours a month.

Those figures won't make for pleasant reading at Microsoft, which has made the Xbox Live community a key selling point for Windows Phone 7 devices. There is some better news for the company: its users are the most likely to download games. Of WP7 users who have played a game in the last 30 days, 70% downloaded it, versus 69% for iPhone and 66% for Android.

It's a different story for feature phone owners, with 54% playing games preloaded on their devices, while 28% have downloaded them. BlackBerry scores even worse on this metric: according to Nielsen, 24% of BlackBerry gamers are playing downloaded games, versus 63% playing preloaded titles.

Developers piling into the emerging sector of mobile web gaming may be encouraged by the fact that 10% of iPhone and Android users say they are playing web-based games on their devices.

Overall, games come out strongly from Nielsen's research. Of people who have downloaded at least one app in the last month, 64% say they have played games in that period. That's the most popular category ahead of weather (60%), social networking (56%), the slightly awkward catch-all category of maps/navigation/search (51%) and music (44%).

The research also finds that 93% of app downloaders are willing to pay for the games that they play, compared to 76% for news. Not that this is a reason for publishers of news apps to be glum ? it's certainly a conversion rate they can work with.

Nielsen's survey will bolster the credibility of mobile gaming ? on certain platforms at least ?�with traditional games publishers. It comes hot on the heels of analyst firm Gartner's prediction that by 2015, mobile gaming will account for 20% of global games software sales.

"As the popularity of smartphones and tablets continues to expand, gaming will remain a key component in the use of these devices," said the company's principal research analyst Tuong Nguyen. "Although they are never used primarily for gaming, mobile games are the most downloaded application category across most application stores."

guardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


Golf Connection: Web-Connected Golf Simulator (Video)

Konami isn't just a video game maker. The company is also in the business of producing amusement machines (mainly for the Japanese market), and recently showcased its newest model: the aptly named Golf Connection [JP]. "Virtual golf simulators" like this aren't new, but Konami's version (which is based on a high-speed camera and two sensors) has a few interesting selling points.


BlackBerry Messenger 6.0 screenshots leak

bbm 6
A leaked early version of RIM's upcoming BlackBerry Messenger 6 has been making the rounds since late February, but images of the new app are just now beginning to appear. Over at CrackBerry, the crew has shared a handful of images of BBM 6 in action. Unfortunately, you won't get a glimpse at a chat or file transfer -- only the profile screens (after the break) and what you see above. All that's really revealed so far is the option to set custom contact and chat colors and BlackBerry OS 6.1-style icons.

CrackBerry also warns against installing the leaked BBM 6 app. There's no guarantee this app hasn't been tampered with, and BlackBerry devices are becoming a more common target for cybercriminals.

Continue reading BlackBerry Messenger 6.0 screenshots leak

BlackBerry Messenger 6.0 screenshots leak originally appeared on Download Squad on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Reaching 200 Million Accounts: Twitter?s Explosive Growth [INFOGRAPHIC]

The 200 millionth Tweep signed up for a Twitter account, and to commemorate the occasion we bring you this infographic tracing the history of th…


Get free MLB.tv access during April with MLB.com At Bat app

If you're a baseball fanatic, the MLB At Bat app is a must-have. It's packed with live updates, scores, stats, news, and videos -- and right now there's another great reason to pick up At Bat. Pony up for At Bat and you'll get to enjoy MLB.tv free for the entire month of April.

The service streams games in HD to just about any connected device you can imagine, from iPhone to PS3, and even Roku boxes and LG Internet-ready televisions. The basic subscription will set you back $99 for the season, and a Premium sub is an extra $20 (and adds DVR functionality, multi-game PIP, and more).

MLB At Bat is available for Android and iOS and both apps run to $14.99 US.

Get free MLB.tv access during April with MLB.com At Bat app originally appeared on Download Squad on Mon, 04 Apr 2011 08:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

46 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed

Get ready for Mashable‘s weekly roundup! This week, we’ve performed original Google+ analysis, prepared you for the Mac OS X Lion re…


Blog Post: Photosynth App Update and Best of Bing Maps Summer Xbox & Kinect Contest

Capture the sights of summer and share them with friends using the updated Photosynth app, available in iTunes today (http://www.itunes.com/apps/photosynth )! We listened to the 3,500,000 people who downloaded the first version of the app and added some of the most requested features: email, simplified sharing, and exploration of great panoramas by other users. To celebrate the launch of these new features, we’re even awarding Xbox360 with Kinect prize packages for the very best panoramas shared with Bing Maps!

            Photosynth_App_Las_Vegas_Share_Menu                  Photosynth_App_Share_Las_Vegas

The Photosynth app captures full 360° panoramas with a fun, interactive experience and makes it simple to share with friends and family. Today’s update adds email sharing and image cropping capabilities when you save a panorama to the Camera Roll, which means you can more easily bring your panoramas into other apps. We’ve also made sharing to Facebook and Bing Maps easier than before, allowing you to share to both at the same time.

The new "Best of Bing Maps" feature lets you explore great panoramas created by others and shared on Bing Maps directly within the app. View stunning full-sphere panoramas from people around the world and get inspired by the creative possibilities of Photosynth.

We're excited about “Best of Bing Maps,” and we want you to get excited too! Which is why this summer, we're giving away an Xbox 360 with Kinect prize package every week to the best panoramas shared to Bing Maps.* In the app, go to the library and click "Best of Bing Maps" to learn more and enter the contest. We can't wait to see the amazing and creative panoramas you share!


With the Photosynth App, you can:

  • See your panoramas take shape with each picture you take.
  • Get sharp, seamless, and high-resolution results looking in all directions.
  • See most panoramas within seconds of taking your last picture.
  • Explore the world’s best panoramas on Bing Maps through the “Best of Bing Maps.”
  • Zoom, pan, stretch, and view your panorama in landscape or portrait mode.
  • Save and view your panoramas on your device and view them online at Photosynth.net.
  • Share your panoramas to Bing Maps and see them throughout Bing.
  • Share your images or interactive panoramas with friends on Facebook
  • Send email panoramas directly from the app or save them to the Camera Roll.

The new and improved Photosynth app is available on a variety of iOS devices (iPhone 4, iPhone 3Gs, iPod Touch fourth generation, and iPad 2) and will be coming next to a Windows Phone near you. You can download the app for free from the iTunes App Store today.

- Eric Bennett, Senior Program Manager, Bing’s Photosynth Team

*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open to ages 14 and older who did not purchase any equipment for purposes of entering the Contest. Enter Contest by: 10/10/11. To enter and for Official Rules, including prize description, visit www.photosynth.net.  Void where prohibited. 


HTC Status available today on AT&T

HTC Status

The HTC Status, AT&T's version of the HTC ChaCha, is officially available for purchase today. This device, the first to launch with a dedicated Facebook button is a bit different then many others that we have seen. We have gone hands on with the HTC Status already, and given a full review of the HTC ChaCha, so be sure to take a look at those, and see if this may be your next device. With a full retail price of $399, and an on contract pricing of $49, the device is sure to appeal to many, and if you pick one up be sure to let us know about it in the forums!

Buy online: AT&T Status


What does Microsoft's Windows sales announcement tell us about PC sales?

The announcement of 400m Windows 7 sales so soon after 350m were sold might seem like good news ? but PC sales trends tell a different story

Microsoft says that it has sold 400m Windows 7 licences. As I noted back at the end of April when Microsoft said it had shipped 350m licences, the takeup has gone better, proportional to the total number of PCs sold each year, than it did with Windows XP in 2001 (and definitely better than with Vista in 2007).

But what do those two numbers ? the 350m and the 400m ? taken together with their dates of announcement tell us about PC sales in the second quarter?

Actually, they suggest that they aren't going that swimmingly. Here's why.

In the second quarter of 2010, the research companies Gartner and IDC say that about 80m Windows PCs were sold (I've subtracted the number of Apple Macs sold for the quarter). In the second quarter of 2009, the figure was 66m. (So that was a rather impressive year-on-year growth of about 20% from 2009 to 2010.)

So: 350m sold by 22 April (the blogpost actually says "more than", but let's round it down, because that puts a better light on PC sales for this quarter.)

Two months (and a week) later, Microsoft is saying that it has sold an additional 50m licences. Assuming that sales have been going at a steady rate through the quarter, that implies sales of just 75m PCs in the second quarter - which would be a 6% dip. That's quite substantial, and if correct, would come after a 2% dip in Windows PC sales in the first quarter. Possible reasons could include financial squeezes on businesses and the Japan earthquake slowing business in the Far East.

One factor that objectors might raise: my calculation in April showed that Windows 7 licences were 67% of PC shipments in the first 18 months. (That's because you get an overlap with older systems, including XP and Vista.) If that's still the case, then that 75m would actually be 125m. But as there's never been the slightest sign of the PC market ever hitting that size, we can discount that as wrong. The 67% figure for the first 18 months will have arisen because of that OS release overlap; but now you can't get XP - Microsoft stopped selling it on October 22 - so it's Windows 7 all the way now.

Allow perhaps for some small mix of Vista licensing and/or "white boxes" being shipped without licences, and you're still looking at zero or very small growth in PC sales over 2010 - perhaps a total of 80m. Financial snalysts such as Richard Windsor at Nomura forecasting a total growth of only 3% in PC sales this year.

Yes, but what does it mean? It means less money for Microsoft. If there were only 75m Windows PCs sold in the second quarter, that translates directly to its bottom line.

Going by Microsoft's own financial results (whose fourth-quarter figures are coming up next week), the three-year average for revenue per Windows PC sold is $56.47, and profit is $39.91.

Plug those in to two scenarios and the following emerges for the Windows division:
? 75m PCs sold: revenue: $4.23bn; profit $2.99bn
? 80m PCs sold: revenue: $4.52bn; profit: $3.2bn.

Those are still big numbers - but they're not showing the growth that Steve Ballmer might have hoped for. (The 75m is pretty pessimistic; the 80m would be level-pegging with the first quarter, but if netbook sales have collapsed further then it might be too large.) Those Windows 8 tablets really can't come soon enough.

Update: There is another confounding factor which might mean that the number of PCs sold is actually higher than 80m, but that Windows licences aren't following them: PC sales in China. The Wall Street Journal in May reported a speech in which Ballmer noted that Microsoft only gets about 5% of the revenue from China that it gets from the West, because of rampant piracy. For 2011, the WSJ noted, IDC "projects PC unit shipments in China are likely to increase 12% to 71 million units, just shy of the 75 million units in the U.S., where it expects sales to be flat."

If those shipments aren't matched by Windows licences, then we could see an increase in PC sales even while Microsoft's revenue from them doesn't grow. It's a possibility: we'll find out next week.

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Blog Post: World?s Coolest Money

Is American money drab and boring? David Byrne, frontman of the Talking Heads, says it ?is the ugliest money in the world.? Is he right?

You be the judge: Ramble through our slide show, World?s Coolest Money, a world of colorful bills, from Australian dollars to Zimbabwe?s once-necessary 100 trillion dollar bill (inflation rates have dropped enough so the country could abandon this denomination).

Be warned: Some of this money is almost too pretty to spend, and some of it is not exactly legal tender, yet it all looks a sight better than U.S. paper currency.

Give us your thoughts and share comments about other money that could qualify as the world?s coolest.


Bigger is not Always Better

One long-standing aspect of the American culture is the belief that “bigger is better.”

We seem obsessed with having the biggest city, the tallest building, the busiest airport or the largest house. When I went to business school in the 1970s, we were trained to pursue one goal – maximize market share.

Even today when students in my classes describe the businesses they want to start, many feel the need to explain, justify, rationalize or even apologize if they do not plan to grow the venture to meet its full market potential.

However, I always make a point to caution them about what I call the “Growth Myth of Entrepreneurship” – the myth that the success of a venture is best measured by the size of its revenues.

The truth is that growth is not always good for an entrepreneurial venture.

A banker once told my students, “The leading cause of business failure is business success.”

What he meant by this is that to be successful with a growing business one must also create systems, build infrastructure, grow the team and secure critical resources to support growth.

To survive and thrive as a growing venture, entrepreneurs cannot simply run things the same way they did in the start phase of the business. If they don’t change how they run things in the growth phase, the odds of the business surviving the trials and tribulations of growth aren’t very good.

So how big should an entrepreneur plan to grow the business?

Before answering this question, we need to understand what needs to be grown.

Revenues should never be the primary focus for growth – profits should be. Profits are what allow an entrepreneur to earn a salary and build wealth. Revenues should only be grown if they help grow profits.

Too often I see entrepreneurs chase customers just to build sales without making sure that those new sales will actually earn them more profits.

The goal for growth should be tied to the entrepreneur’s aspirations and financial goals. Some people describe this as simply pursuing a lifestyle business. However, I would argue that every business is a lifestyle business. It all just depends on the lifestyle you want to pursue.

If you grow your business deliberately based on your goals and aspirations, you can create a business that is an intentional reflection of the lifestyle you’d like to live. Entrepreneurs should always remember that success in life should be so much more than simply growing a company and making money.

One of my favorite quotes about success comes from someone who grew a very large business. Paul Orfalea grew Kinko’s from a single copy shop into a huge chain of stores that eventually was sold to FedEx.

When asked after all the things he had accomplished since he opened his first store, what was his biggest success, Orfalea replied, “Success in life is having kids who want to come back to visit you when they’ve grown up.”

Please follow Business Insider on Twitter and Facebook.

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Blog Post: Case Studies - Linux on Hyper-V?


GNOME 3 released, ushers in an interesting amalgam of iOS and OS X

GNOME 3 desktop manager
GNOME 3, after more than two years of development, has been released into the wild. GNOME 3 is not merely the logical successor of GNOME 2: it is an entirely new project, started from scratch, to create a "completely new, modern desktop designed for today's users and technologies."

The best way to check out GNOME 3's new features -- and it has lots of new features -- is to run a live version of openSUSE or Fedora, or simply head over to the GNOME 3 website and watch the (rather pretty) introductory videos. If you want a synopsis, though, here it is: GNOME 3 looks a lot like Mac OS X, with a healthy dollop of iOSesqueness for good measure, but yet it still somehow retains an underlying feel of Linux.

The overall aesthetic is very simple, very elegant, and despite being slightly out of fashion, there are plenty of rounded corners, too. The main addition, workflow-wise, is the addition of an app-launcher-cum-alt-tab screen, where you can launch apps, or flip through your open windows. For a complete list of the new features and changes, check the GNOME 3 release notes.

Despite GNOME 3 being officially launched, there aren't actually any releases for existing, stable Linux distros -- it's the live CD/USB images, or Ubuntu users will have to wait for the launch of 11.04 for a GNOME 3 PPA, but it will break Unity in the process. Fedora users will have to wait for for the May 24 release of Fedora 15. Of course, if you're feeling crazy, you can always build GNOME 3 from source.

GNOME 3 released, ushers in an interesting amalgam of iOS and OS X originally appeared on Download Squad on Thu, 07 Apr 2011 06:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Facebook launches unified mobile site, announces 250 million mobile users

Facebook has announced that its two mobile sites -- m.facebook.com and touch.facebook.com -- have been unified, bringing a simpler mobile experience to Facebook users. And there are a lot of those -- a quarter billion, according to Facebook.

Smartphone users won't be losing any functionality because of the consolidation. If your phone supported the enhacned features offered by touch.facebook.com, the new site will automatically flip the switch when you visit.

Rolling the sites together helps simplify things for Facebook's developer team. Now changes can be pushed to a single site instead of two separate sites, which makes it easier to ensure that all mobile users receive a nearly identical experience regardless of the device they're using.

The new Facebook mobile can also check to see if your phone supports geolocation. If it doesn't, you won't be seeing much of Facebook Places -- which obviously relies heavily on geolocation. Images can also be optimized on the fly to keep page performance from suffering on less powerful devices. You can see the three different versions of the share button below, courtesy our friends at TechCrunch.

Facebook launches unified mobile site, announces 250 million mobile users originally appeared on Download Squad on Fri, 01 Apr 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Page: Medios_C


Saturday, July 16, 2011

User: az24


Blog Post: How can an existing BPOS/Office 365 customer change their Partner of Record (POR)?

Q: (from Jason)

I attended one of your training event a month or so ago.  Can you please direct me to the form/s to have an existing BPOS client fill out in order to assign us as the registered BPOS partner for them.



This is from a newsgroup post by Stephanie Perez (http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/MOCP/thread/29bc3b68-b7e8-43ca-b42b-dbbc3a38db2f):

The customer would change the Primary Reseller through the Customer Portal https://mocp.microsoftonline.com, Under the subscription tab, they will see an actions drop down and they select "Add or Edit a Partner"


SDeming Face Steve



Watch iPhone owners travel around Europe

Over 800 iPhone owners donated their location information to Michael Krell of Crowdflow. He took this data plotted it on a map and set it in motion. It's captivating to watch the firefly-like blips move here and there across the region. Check out the video below.

[Via GigaOM]

Watch iPhone owners travel around Europe originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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GNOME 3 released, ushers in an interesting amalgam of iOS and OS X

GNOME 3 desktop manager
GNOME 3, after more than two years of development, has been released into the wild. GNOME 3 is not merely the logical successor of GNOME 2: it is an entirely new project, started from scratch, to create a "completely new, modern desktop designed for today's users and technologies."

The best way to check out GNOME 3's new features -- and it has lots of new features -- is to run a live version of openSUSE or Fedora, or simply head over to the GNOME 3 website and watch the (rather pretty) introductory videos. If you want a synopsis, though, here it is: GNOME 3 looks a lot like Mac OS X, with a healthy dollop of iOSesqueness for good measure, but yet it still somehow retains an underlying feel of Linux.

The overall aesthetic is very simple, very elegant, and despite being slightly out of fashion, there are plenty of rounded corners, too. The main addition, workflow-wise, is the addition of an app-launcher-cum-alt-tab screen, where you can launch apps, or flip through your open windows. For a complete list of the new features and changes, check the GNOME 3 release notes.

Despite GNOME 3 being officially launched, there aren't actually any releases for existing, stable Linux distros -- it's the live CD/USB images, or Ubuntu users will have to wait for the launch of 11.04 for a GNOME 3 PPA, but it will break Unity in the process. Fedora users will have to wait for for the May 24 release of Fedora 15. Of course, if you're feeling crazy, you can always build GNOME 3 from source.

GNOME 3 released, ushers in an interesting amalgam of iOS and OS X originally appeared on Download Squad on Thu, 07 Apr 2011 06:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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App spies on your keyboard, steals your passwords

iPad owners using their tablet in public may want to look closely at the people around them. A new app called shoulderPad lets Mac OS X, jailbroken iPad and jailbroken iPhone owners secretly steal your login and passwords. It uses the camera on these devices to track the keyboard input. Specifically, the app looks for the slight blue glow that occurs right after your touch a key. It records these glows, analyzes the pattern and spits out your passwords. All the thief has to do is sit near you and pretend to be using their phone, tablet or computer. This same technique can be applied to recorded footage so be watch out for those surveillance cameras, too.

App spies on your keyboard, steals your passwords originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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All The Android Apps You Must Have This Week (GOOG)

android scrabble

Android had a big week this week.

The Android Market has a fancy new look, and Google released new apps for redeeming offers and streaming rented movies.

Check out all those and more below.

First thing's first: Check out Android Market's new look!

The Android Market got a major refresh this week, with a fancy new Windows Phone 7-ish look. You also get access to the Market's bookstore and video rentals.

The update is rolling out to Android users running version 2.2 and above. If you want to try it now, click here to learn how.

Speaking of video rentals...

Google's new Videos app is available for Android. You can use the app to stream your movie rentals from the Android Market or play files stored on your device.

Price: Free in the Android Market

Spotify is here and it's awesome

In case you've been away from the internet for the last few days, Spotify, Europe's popular music streaming service, arrived in the U.S.

If you want to take advantage of Spotify's spectacular Android app, you'll need a paid Premium account that costs $9.99 per month.

You can stream from a library of about 15 million songs, plus save songs to your phone so you can listen to them offline. It's like Pandora on steroids.

Price: Free in the Android Market, but you'll need the $9.99 per month Premium plan to use it.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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