Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blog Post: Microsoft Codename Atlanta ? SQL Monitoring Teil Zwei

Wie Martina bereits in ?SQL going to the cloud, �h to Atlanta? gebloggt hat folgt hier nun Praxis Teil Zwei.
Zur Erinnerung an den h�bschen Codenamen: Was kann ?Atlanta??

Das beschreibt am besten dieser Satz: "Microsoft Atlanta is a secure configuration monitoring cloud service that helps customers reduce downtime and improve the performance of Microsoft SQL Server deployments."

Sprich: �berwachung von SQL Diensten in der Cloud. Der aktuelle Status ist Beta, bin auch schon gespannt wie der Release-Name sein wird, ob der Dienst in Office 365 oder Windows Intune einflie�en wird?

Hier finden Sie �brigens die Atlanta System Requirements ? nichts ?Besonderes? (Windows 2008, SQL Server 2008, aktueller Browser, Silverlight?), aber vor der Installation pr�fen!

Nachdem aufgerufen wurde und mit dem eigenen Live-Konto verkn�pft wurde (Teil 1), folgt die Installation von Atlanta (CTP) auf einem zu �berwachenden SQL Server 2008.

Nebenbei: Es sieht so aus, dass nur EIN Live Konto hinterlegt werden kann ? frei nach dem Motto: Es kann nur EINEN (Administrator) geben. Tats�chlich kann es aber MEHRERE Admins geben. Die Anleitung dazu findet sich hier: Multiple user access

Zur Fortsetzung: Nach Anmeldung ist unsere h�bsche Silverlight-Console offen.
Jetzt m�ssen die Clients mit Atlanta-Diensten versehen werden:


Das Klicken auf ?hier? (wie auch das Hinzuf�gen von neuen Servern ?Add Server?? in der Oberfl�che) bringt diesen (bereits bekannten) Dialog.


So funktioniert es also: Man ben�tigt mindestens EIN Gateway mit Verbindung zum Internet (zum Senden der Daten an das Cloud-Service). Es k�nnen mehrere Agents �ber ein Gateway senden. Clever.

Nun werden die erforderlichen beiden Files heruntergeladen (und auf einen Netzwerk-Share kopiert). Danach wird auf der SQL-Server 2008 Maschine ?AtlantaSetup.exe? gestartet:


Es folgt ein Consolen-Setup mit Auswahl, ob

  1. Agent,
  2. Gateway oder
  3. Beide Komponenten

auf der Maschine installiert werden sollen (das wird dann sp�ter in der Release wohl ein grafisches Setup sein):


Also installieren wir mal ?3. Both?:


Tja, ?3. Both? funktioniert bei mir leider nicht: ?Error code is 1.?

Die Ursache daf�r: Auf meiner SQL Maschine klappt die Installation des Atlanta-Agents nicht ? weil dieser Produktiv-SQL Server mit dem DPM Agent gesichert wird ? der DPM Agent vertr�gt sich NICHT mit Atlanta Beta Agent!

Siehe hier: Microsoft Codename Atlanta Release Notes ?Because of this, Atlanta is not compatible with the Operations Manager 2007 SP1 agent, which is down-level. When you install an Atlanta agent on the same computer as an Operations Manager 2007 SP1 agent, Atlanta attempts to upgrade the existing agent to the new version. However, this attempt will fail and the Atlanta agent will not work.

Ok, die Recherche war es wert, eine wichtige Information!

Also testen wir das mal mit einer ANDEREN SQL Server 2008 R2 Maschine (ohne DPM Agent) nochmals und versuchen hier ?3. Both??.

Schaut besser aus, das grafische Setup wird gestartet:


Nach Akzeptieren der Lizenzvereinbarung wird das heruntergeladene Zertifikat angegeben und Next:


?bis das Setup fertig ist (Finish), Das Fenster schlie�t sich, das Command Prompt zeigt den Erfolg an:


Fein, refreshen wir mal die Web-Anwendung. Links in der Silverlight-Anwendung auf das Icon ?Servers? zeigt das Ergebnis: Die neue SQL Maschine; insgesamt: ?1 agents, 1 gateway?:


Achja: Der Agent funktioniert auch mit SQL Server 2008 Express ? das ist meine Testmaschine f�r obiges Szenario!

So, was zeigt Atlanta? Schauen wir mal in die Configuration: Diese zeigt Informationen �ber den gew�hlten SQL Server:


Fein, das Reporting der Installation hat mal geklappt. Jetzt m�ssen nur noch Daten gesammelt werden?

Hier einige wichtige Links zu Atlanta:

Mehr zum Betrieb dann in Teil Drei! Zwinkerndes Smiley


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gov. Ed Rendell Gets Special "Non-Wuss" Seat At The Eagles Game

Ed Rendell Wussies

The crew at Lincoln Financial Field had a little fun with Governor Ed Rendell tonight, who showed off his manhood by braving the cold to cheer for his Eagles at the Tuesday Night Football game.

Workers filled his extra seat with snow shoveled out of the stadium's aisles as a show of support for his controversial anti-wuss stances.

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AOL spent more than $300 million on distributing free sign-up CDs

AOL used to be king of the dial-up hill. At its peak, over 26.7 million households accessed the Internet via AOL, a figure that no American ISP has ever surpassed. That success came at a cost, though: those CDs (and floppy disks!) that arrived in your letterbox, often on a weekly basis, cost AOL over $300 million.

The data comes from Quora, a service that is fast becoming the go-to place for juicy, 'insider' information. Someone asked about AOL's distribution costs, and in mere moments, both the CEO-at-the-time, Steve Case, and the former Chief Marketing Officer, Jan Brandt, had chimed in with authoritative responses. Case recalls, that in the hay day of the mid-1990s, AOL was quite content to spend $35 on obtaining a new subscriber. Brandt, responding a little bit later, provided a total cost of "over $300 million," for the distribution of the CDs. She went on to provide a shocking statistic: "At one point, 50% of the CDs produced worldwide had an AOL logo on it." Shocking, but... sadly rather believable.

AOL spent more than $300 million on distributing free sign-up CDs originally appeared on Download Squad on Tue, 28 Dec 2010 06:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Images of Upcoming Asus Tablets Leave Us Hungry for More

It’s not hard to guess that the upcoming CES, which takes place January 6-9 in Las Vegas, will be brimming with announcements of new tablets and tablet hybrids. Asus obviously plans to fight this battle…


Redsn0w iOS 4.2.1 untethered Jailbreak goes beta

redsn0w betaGood news jailbreaking fans -- the iPhone Dev Team is up to their old tricks with an untethered jailbreak entering 'beta' for the iPhone 4, iPad and fourth generation iPod touch running iOS 4.2.1. The beta version of redsn0w uses a new 'backup method,' which is referred to as 'Jailbreak Monte' within the program. However, It is strictly for those who don't rely on their iDevice and don't need ultrasn0w carrier unlock according to the Dev Team.

Brave testers who want to join the program will need access to the iOS 4.2 beta 3 firmware for their iDevice of choice, a Mac (sorry Windows users: redsn0w beta is OS X-only for now), and have their iOS 4.2b3 SHSH blobs saved on file with Cydia. If you fulfill the criteria, then head on over to the iPhone Dev Team blog and get in on the action. As of writing the redsn0w jailbreak had seen its third update released in rapid succession, bringing redsn0w to 0.9.7b3.

Once the beta cycle is finished, the iPhone Dev Team intends to make redsn0w 0.9.7 a general release and remove some of the more complicated restrictions, as well as provide a Windows version of the program. God's speed and good luck to the Dev Team and their courageous beta testers. May jailbreaking come easy and custom apps flow forthwith, because we all know how annoying it is to rely on a tethered jailbreak reboot process, especially when playing with unstable apps and system hacks.

Redsn0w iOS 4.2.1 untethered Jailbreak goes beta originally appeared on Download Squad on Mon, 27 Dec 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Using LED Ceiling Lights For Digital Communication

PatPending writes "A Minnesota start-up company, LVX, is developing products under several patents and about a dozen pending applications, e.g., 'Building illumination apparatus with integrated communications, security and energy management,' that put clusters of LEDs in a standard-sized ceiling light fixture. The LEDs are in optical communication with special modems attached to office computers. The first generation of the LVX system will transmit data at speeds of about three megabits per second, roughly as fast as a residential DSL line. LVX Chief Executive Officer John Pederson said a second-generation system that will roll out in about a year will permit speeds on par with commercial Wi-Fi networks. It will also permit lights that can be programmed to change intensity and color. Pederson said the next generation of the system should get even more efficient as fixtures become 'smart' so the lights would dim when bright sunlight is coming through a window or when a conference room or hallway is empty. Hurdles: speed and installation costs. No word on the reliability and security of this system."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Adblock Plus for Chrome now available

We told you it was coming soon, but we didn't know precisely how soon: Wadlimir Palant has already pushed the first beta version of Adblock Plus for Google Chrome. It was just four days ago that TechCrunch reported that Palant had changed his mind about never releasing a Chrome port -- citing reasons like not wanting to maintain two unrelated projects and the availability of capable alternatives like AdThwart.

That's all changed, however, and AdThwart has become the foundation of Adblock Plus for Chrome. The first release includes improved filters, updated code to bring the extension more inline with its Firefox cousin, and better XHTML support.

Those of you who already had AdThwart installed should be automatically updated, and new users can install ABP from the Chrome Extensions Gallery.

Adblock Plus for Chrome now available originally appeared on Download Squad on Tue, 21 Dec 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Blog Post: Reblog - Service Manager 2010 SP1

Buona sera a tutti,

volevo segnalarvi la disponibilit� della SP1 per Service Manager 2010. L?aggiornamento viene rilasciato sotto forma di media slipstreamed con il quale potrete aggiornare la versione RTM e/o installare direttamente la versione aggiornata.

Per tutte le info necessarie potete consultare I seguenti link:

  • Sito Technet

  • Blog del team di prodotto

Buon divertimento e Buone feste

- Bruno.


FlickSquare automatically sends your Foursquare check-in photos to Flickr

FlickSquare: Foursquare check-in photo integration to FlickrLast week Foursquare rolled out an incredibly important and contemporary new feature: check-in photos. Foursquare is a far cry from being a primary photo-sharing site, however, which is why a quick-thinking developer has made a Web app that automatically forwards your Foursquare photos to Flickr: FlickSquare.

All you need to do is sign into your Foursquare account, connect with FlickSquare, and finish by telling Flickr to let the app access your account. From now on, all new photos check-ins should be mirrored on Flickr [Can anyone confirm if it mirrors existing check-in photos, too?]

In case you're wondering, FlickSquare also tags the Flickr uploads with the Foursquare venue machine tag, which will create a rich resource of cross-linked venues and photos. Take a look at the number of photos already on Flickr that have been tagged with a Foursquare venue; cool, eh?

FlickSquare automatically sends your Foursquare check-in photos to Flickr originally appeared on Download Squad on Tue, 28 Dec 2010 07:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Amazon MP3 app now available for BlackBerry

amazon mp3Users of RIM's BlackBerry devices now have access to a massive catalog of downloadable music, thanks to the arrival of Amazon's MP3 store. Apart from giving you access to Amazon's huge selection of tunes, Amazon MP3 lets you take advantage of their dirt-cheap Daily Deal albums (which are usually less than $5) and grab the free MP3 of the day.

Sharing to social networks is also built-in, so it's a breeze to post your favorite new tracks to Twitter or Facebook -- or notify friends via BBM, SMS, or email. For those of you who like to sneak a listen before pulling the trigger on a digital download purchase, Amazon does offer previews -- though they're only 30 seconds long.

There is, of course, one big downside -- the app and store aren't available to users outside of the U.S.

Download Amazon MP3 [AppWorld]

Amazon MP3 app now available for BlackBerry originally appeared on Download Squad on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 14:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Steve Jobs named Person of the Year by the Financial Times

Steve Jobs

Calling Apple's turn-around over the last ten years "the most remarkable comeback in modern business history," the UK's Financial Times (free registration required) newspaper on Wednesday named Apple CEO Steve Jobs its "Person of the Year" for 2010. Thirty years after Jobs brought the company public at age 25, the proclamation focuses on his determined attention to detail and reputation as someone who "understands the art of the possible" with the ability to convince others of the plausibility of his ideas.

In talking to Financial Times, Roger McNamee, who recently attempted to rebuild Palm in Apple's image, said "Steve's the last of the great builders. What makes him different is that he's creating jobs and economic activity out of thin air while just about every other CEO in America is working out ways to cut costs and lay people off."

2010 has definitely been a good year for Apple, with MarketWatch naming Steve Jobs CEO of the Decade earlier this month and four Apple products making it onto Time Magazine's Top 10 Gadgets list right in time for the holidays. If estimates of Apple selling 100 million iPhones and 48 million iPads next year are correct, 2011 should be a fantastic year as well for Mr. Jobs and company.

[via MacRumors]

Steve Jobs named Person of the Year by the Financial Times originally appeared on TUAW on Fri, 24 Dec 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Want to write on your iPad? Here's some tips to get started

So, you received an iPad under the tree. As you're playing with it, you're wondering what you can do with it in regards to creating the written word. For the writer -- from fiction author to enterprising blogger -- the iPad is also a very portable way to get some serious writing done, even though it wasn't originally advertised as such. That's where users came in and turned the iPad into an excellent portable writing machine. Having toted my iPad into the mountains of Arizona and across the ocean to the UK, I was able to get a good amount of writing done and have it available on my desktop with little issue.

Optional hardware

First, however, you do need some hardware. If you're going to be doing any writing for a lengthy period of time, invest in an external keyboard. While Apple does have one with an iPad dock attached, it's a bit unwieldy for extended use. Skip the dock-enabled keyboard and grab Apple's Bluetooth model. Both cost US$69, but you get extra portability with the Bluetooth keyboard.

There are several cases that now have Bluetooth keyboards built right in, including Kensington's KeyFolio for $99.99 and Zaggmate's case with keyboard also for $99.99. The upcoming ClamCase will take these a step further and turn your iPad into a mini netbook. That will run you $119.99, with the price expected to rise to $149.99.

Continue reading Want to write on your iPad? Here's some tips to get started

Want to write on your iPad? Here's some tips to get started originally appeared on TUAW on Mon, 27 Dec 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

This Week in Google Episode 72


Next Android Music App Leaks (GOOG, MOT)

An early iteration of the next music app for Android has leaked, but it doesn't yet show the important feature updates that were demonstrated at the Google I/O conference in May. Improving Android's music playback could help Google and its Android partners compete with Apple's products, which inherited their music capabilities from the iPod.

This music player will supposedly ship with Android 3.0, or Honeycomb--a tablet-specific version of the platform that Motorola is already touting for its upcoming Android tablet. The leak was posted to the XDA Developers' Forum, and a user posted a video to YouTube, claiming that it's the music app shown at I/O 2010. The video leaked app was picked up earlier by Engadget.

The app doesn't offer any clues whether Honeycomb will actually include a Google music store or online music storage and sync service. Google has apparently been approaching the record labels with big checks in hopes that they'll sign off on a "music locker" service, and also could be using the acquisition of Simplify Media to let users stream songs from their computers over the Internet to their Android devices.


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